sewing studio almost finished and look what I did to my wheeled case


so besides my cutting table and the paintings which need to be put on the wall I am finished with the sewing studio, my day didn’t go as planned, so I didn’t manage to start sewing yet, but tomorrow is another day right?

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So I bought this really little wheeled suitcase at IKEA, because it has the perfect size for my laptop and Button and a few small things, just so I do not need to carry it on my shoulder and get more back troubles;) but I thought it needed a little something more … me.

IMG_0141 IMG_0142 I freehanded the writing so thats why it is a little uneven… for the drawing I made myself a pattern and freehanded the restIMG_0143What do you think?

keep sewing and smiling

your TailorFairy 


  1. Your studio looks awesome. If i lived near you, i’d hang out there pretty often! :p The shelves of fabric looks so happy and the wheeled suitcase is super cute – reminds me of a cover of a storybook.

  2. Hello Tailor fairy, You did an awesome job, It’s so weird I think I’m in the neighbour country and I started following you as I was building my sewing studio. So I know how much hard work you put into it and it shows! Do you plan on teaching in your studio? Keep up the good work 😉

    • Yes I do, as you might have guessed with my blog, I just love teaching sewing and pass on the love for things you created yourself 🙂
      Just curious me: in which neighbor country are you located?

      • Not neighbour at all, just check you’re in Germany, my mistake (I’m from Canada on the other side of the Atlantic) . But still very trilled about having a blogger that lives the same trill of putting together a sewing studio 🙂 I hope you’ll forgive my assumption… I can’t wait to be finished (putting together part) and get back to sewing! I’ll share more of sewing project (instead of just textile design projects) if you like. Bis bald!

      • Dont worry, I’ll just take it as a compliment for my english, that you think I might be a native speaker 🙂
        I started sewing again, even though a few last things need to be build, but I have to wait for that a few more days, so I am using what I have. Its a great feeling! How much more do you need to put together?
        I love your firefly textile design by the way 😉

      • I have all my sewing machines, tables, cutting table, plain, iron table etc…
        I’m left with legal boring stuff like : (ramp for my stairs(it’s in my basement) a door bell (people will get in by the side door – my husband is very private) a step in and out of the side door.
        And details : I have to re-glue the sides of my cutting table (it’s coming appart) Put a few frames up, a good floor wash and final place for little things.
        I need a plan for how I want it to work and a website update. Publicity to get at least one student 😉

        you? I think you’re almost there, you see the light of the finish line?

        (I’m happy English is for us both a second or third language so you won’t be judging to harshly my mistakes) 🙂

      • yeah pretty much, I have some boring legal stuff to do as well, with the post office and the office that registers the shop your opening… germans love their papers you have to get for everything… and my cutting table still needs to get his legs and such. I have to wait for my father to have time to help with that.
        hey I am hoping for at least one student to start of with as well 🙂
        I probably will not even notice most of the mistakes you make, if you make any. And even when I notice I do not care as long as I understand what you are saying. What is your native language if I might ask?
        So your sewing studio is in your house? Its great you have a separate door for it! I rented a place at the other end of the city, I actually like that distance. 🙂

      • Hi,
        My first language is french (second was spanish) but I forgot most of it, and then English.
        It’s perfect to have your studio in the “skirt” (limits) of the city so you’ll have serious students 8)
        Today is my day “off” my sewing studio and after that have to work for 3 days but this week end I’m back on the “to do list”. We’ll keep each other posted. What are you up to today?

      • In french I can only say one sentence: (I hope I spell it right, I normally just say it) Je ne parle pas francaise, mei je comprend un peu. Understanding because I also know some spanish, even though I forgotten lots of it, which is kind of sad. I did sew some more on my current project, the crazy print skirt that won the vote and then I went to the goverment-office for shop owners to get my license up to date and they told me since I moved from one state of Germany to the other I had to cancel my old license and get a new one, which is a lot more work and money, so I am a little angry at german bureaucracy right now…

      • I’m sorry to learn your difficulties with paperwork. I hated it when it happens. I call it the fool’s tower (remember in th 12th challenges of Asterix & Obelix). Here is more an insurance it took me half a dozen quotes to get one that wasn’t taking all my pay away and more!!! We seem to always pay more than the others. Cell phones, insurances, taxes…. Anyways. You got most of the french sentence right! Good for you frauline! I’ve got to go to work (teaching downtown) but I’ll be back to cheer you up in your paper chase 🙂

      • well yesterday the next office I have to go to was closed, so thats on my list for today, wish me luck;) I hope you had a nice day teaching yesterday!

      • Good luck!!! My spirit and good vibes are with you! My day yesterday was ok. Tomorrow is friday yé! So I’lll give a big effort to advance my sewing studio and show more photos and of course draw the fabric for spoonflower weekly contest (it was my year resolution so i’m sticking with it) I hope you’ll get the permit!

      • I actually have the permit, but thats not enough I need to tell other offices about it, which includes lots of running around and waiting:) I hope you get a good day working on your sewing studio! Do you do weekends? I normally just do one free day a week.

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